Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why Plant Another Church In Christian America? Part 1

I recently heard the argument made that the US is essentially a Christian nation and that we should focus our church planting efforts primarily into other nations.  So, why exactly are we planting a new church into Spokane, Washington then?  There are easily more than 150 churches already between Spokane and Spokane Valley, not to mention the surrounding area.  Isn’t that enough?  (Should I even mention the fact that if every existing church in Spokane had one thousand members – which they don’t – more than half the population of the metro area would still be unchurched?!)  Besides the obvious fact that we have a strong sense of God calling us to plant into this city in particular, there are practical reasons for planting churches right here in the States.  Take a look.

It’s interesting that missiologists are referring to the U.S. as one of the largest mission fields in the world.  Also interesting is the increase of Christian “missionaries” being sent from other nations to evangelize the unreached people groups of the good ole’ U.S.A.  Are they “getting” something that the church in the States should understand?  I think so.  And what’s even more interesting to me is that the Northwest U.S. is considered one of the most unreached regions in this mission field.  The steeples we see across the skyline of Spokane, therefore, do not represent much more than cool looking landmarks to the majority of the people in this compelling city.

While 80% of churches in the U.S. are not growing, according to researchers like Ed Stetzer, there are also statistics showing what is working:  starting new churches; churches that are speaking culturally to the society we live in now; churches that are engaging that culture; churches that are serving their communities rather than simply inviting the community to come to their events.  (I’m not saying events are bad; we plan to host some!)  With that in mind, this is what we hope to be in Spokane:

  • We desire to be a come-as-you-are, welcoming community offering a fresh challenge to live life to its fullest purpose found in Jesus Christ
  • We purpose to develop passionate worshipers of Jesus who continually grow in grace, truth, gifting and service to God and to people.
  • We aim to be a missional community where every member is involved in making disciples of Jesus.
  • We envision young and old of various socio-economic backgrounds committing together to plant churches and extend the kingdom of God together in the neighborhoods of Spokane and in other cities and nations. 

Over the next four posts we’ll examine how these ideas play out in a city like Spokane.  Church communities like this are springing up around the United States and the world, and God may be calling you to join the magnificent, risk-embracing teams of people planting them!  Do you feel the tug?

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