Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Song notes Part 3

words/music by Jonathan Meek

Several years ago our church was hosting a youth conference called “The Flood” and I was asked to write a song that expressed the heart of the event. “Revelation” was born. We are the reason Jesus left His majesty in heaven, came to earth and endured the torturous death of the cross. We were hopelessly separated from God so Jesus opened the door to relationship with Him. He did it for us; WE were the joy set before Him! Then, instead of simply demanding that we worship Him, Jesus reveals His love, His grace, His freedom and His kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy! Should we worship Him? Of course! But when we realize His love for us, it comes naturally. What a God!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Song Notes Part 2

Praise The Name
words/music by Jonathan Meek

God's Names in the Bible are myriad! He's called the Alpha, the Omega, the Bridegroom, Yahweh, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Ancient of Days, and many, many more. "Praise The Name" started as a song to celebrate some of the names and attributes of God and quickly developed into a celebration of our salvation in Him as well. Funny how that happens! As I was singing through the verses, two different ideas went through my mind. First, an image of heaven's throne room with giant golden gates swinging open to reveal Jesus, while everyone and everything stood in awe of Him. Secondly, Psalm 24 came to mind, where we are likened to gates that open to welcome in the Lord. When I sing the lines, "Gates of praise swing wide in welcome, every gazing eye upon Him," I still think of both heaven's magnificent throne room and God's people praising Him here on the earth. Our praise has immediate impact here, but one day we will all stand before God Himself and worship Him there! Wow.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Song notes, pt. 1

I thought it might be nice for anyone who is interested to know the "story behind the song," so to speak. I'll start with the title track from the "Amazing" project.

written by Jonathan Meek, Bradley Trosen and Jenn Thune

Each of us is a masterpiece, a carefully fashioned poem, penned by God Himself, yet many of us struggle with feelings of inadequacy or a sense of worthlessness. With this in mind, I wanted to put to music what God actually says about us: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus..." "He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world." I showed the idea to two of my songwriter/worship leader friends, Brad Trosen and Jenn Thune, and we wrote the song over several weeks, meeting together and firing emails back and forth with various ideas. We probably tossed as many lines as we kept before we got the right ones! The final product is a song that both exalts the God Who made us, and recognizes that He likes what He made. He said so. "Jesus, You're so amazing!"

Until next time,

Saturday, January 5, 2008


For the inagural post for this blog, I just want to say thanks. Thanks to everyone who has supported our new project, "Amazing." Thanks to everyone who prays for us, and thanks to everyone who loves us. We'll be using this blog to post devotionals on worship, Psalm studies and other stuff like that, so check back regularly to see what's new. Don't forget to check out our website at www.jonathanmeekmusic.com, as well. Blessings on your day!