Monday, December 19, 2011

Why Plant Another Church In Christian America (Part 4)

The most common question I’m asked these days about launching a church into Spokane is, “So, do you have a building?”  While this is obviously a relevant question, it definitely stirs my thinking since my own definition of “church” looks like people gathering together to worship and serve, not a building.  I think most people asking me about a building simply mean, “Do you have a place to meet together?” but it also speaks to the need for us to see church life through a wider lens. 

The frequent misconception of church as a steepled building is a big one in North America, where we have all-too-often altered Jesus’ words, “On this rock I will build my church,” to mean building a structure of brick, wood or steel, panes of glass, stages and lights, when He was actually talking about people being drawn together by His grace through faith in His saving power.  We may know this in our heads but here’s a reminder:  Church is people.  Church is a community of believers.  Church is about relationship, discipleship and mission together.  And that church can meet anywhere.  It can also go anywhere since the people aren’t limited to a facility.

Missional community
Every few weeks in Spokane a really cool thing happens.  Instead of holding their normal church gathering Vintage Church goes out on a Sunday morning for a church “scattering.”  They understand something that I hope we as a church will “get” as well.  The whole church, not just an exclusive or elite team, is involved in serving the community together.  There is an understanding that community is important and that a Christian community thrives best when it includes serving others together.

I dream about a vibrant community of believers like this that demonstrates genuine love for one another in the way we relate not only to each other, but also in the way we serve the people and community of Spokane.  Even while it is still barely more than a “twinkle in my eye” Grace Church Spokane already exists to serve.  I envision a community centered around Christ that turns to face outward, embracing neighborhoods, people groups and even other nations together.  I’d bet that many people who have said, “I like Jesus but I avoid the church,” haven’t experienced church like this.  We want to give them the opportunity.

Every Member Involved
While training is important and necessary, it doesn’t take a seminary-trained theologian to tell someone what God has done in his or her life.  While there are always more answers to be found to difficult questions, even the newest believer can share with a friend how God has changed his or her life!  Every follower of Jesus has a unique story to tell, and we want to equip and encourage people to share their own story of how Jesus has impacted their lives.  Through relationship, through service and even through structured invitational events there will be many opportunities to engage friends, family and neighbors with the power and grace of God.

Making disciples
In their book, Breaking the Missional Code, Ed Stetzer and David Putman say, “Making and multiplying disciples involves three things:  (1) living like Jesus lived, (2) loving like Jesus loved, and (3) leaving behind what Jesus left behind.”  To put it simply, we really want to do this!  We want to help others do this!  We want to see the people we love and serve become mature believers who live and love like Jesus, leaving behind things that stand in the way of His calling in our lives. 

·        We aim to be a missional community where every member is involved in making disciples of Jesus.

The more I think, dream, pray and plan toward leading and serving a church that embraces being a missional, disciple-making community the more excited and full of faith I become!  Please pray for my family and for those that are planning on coming with us into this new adventure in God.  Pray that God enables us to live out what we believe He is challenging us to do!  Allow me to be so bold as to challenge you to consider whether you may be called to be a part of this team!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why Plant Another Church in Christian America? Part 3

Do The Words Church And “Passion” Really Go Together?
When I was a kid I was passionate about baseball!  I was a Kansas City Royals fan and was especially proud of my George Brett rookie card.  On occasion I would join the enthusiastic crowds of Royals fans who would do the wave, catch peanuts from the vendors and cheer wildly for the team.  I spent most of my allowance money every month for four years buying trading cards, and spent many Saturday afternoons playing ball on the make-shift diamond my friends and I had created behind our house.  I even tried running a baseball card shop out of my bedroom.  You could say it was my “first love.”

Then there were things like golf.  And tennis.  And bass fishing shows.  For some reason my dad loved to watch these on TV, yet to me they seemed to involve a lot of sitting, waiting and being quiet (except for John McEnroe, whose antics broke the monotony!).  In my young view of the world, this so-called entertainment was best described by words like “dry,” “boring,” “slow” and “un-fun,” remarkably similar to the way many people think of church.  With that in mind, as Grace Church Spokane:

·        We purpose to develop passionate worshipers of Jesus who continually grow in grace, truth, gifting and service to God and to people.

Developing Passionate Worshipers
Wholehearted, passionate enjoyment of God and of the people of God is His plan for us even though, as I stated above, that’s probably not what would come to mind if one were to ask the average American his or her thoughts on church!  However, the Bible is clear that throughout our daily lives and when we come together to worship Jesus, being with Him should be characterized by words like “joy,” “amazement,” “celebration,” “awe” and “vision.”  Our songs should reflect that.  So should everything else we do.  So, what changes “stuffy religion” into a life of genuine passion about Jesus?

Passionately Growing in Grace
Understanding and experiencing the undeserved forgiveness and favor of God produces a grateful people!  The truth that we have been saved by God’s grace rather than our good works sets us free, and the reality of friendship with God will be increasingly demonstrated through our lives together.  As a gathered community who knows that God is pleased with us and actually likes us, we’ll be a “dangerous,” contagious bunch!  We hope the contagion of God’s grace inspires everyone who encounters Grace Church Spokane, and that our life together rings with the vibrant worship that comes from confidence in Christ. 

Passionately Growing in Truth
The message of God’s grace and love receives its potency by remaining firmly rooted and grounded in the teaching of the Bible.  In fact, if a people were to lose the moorings of Scripture they would soon find themselves losing the very freedom it declares!  Learning the depths of this freedom is no dry theoretical study but is rather the opportunity to engage with God Himself through His own words; to learn how He feels, what He thinks, and what His plan and purpose is for us and for the world.  It’s from growing in the truth that we find out about His plan to save sinners, heal the sick and broken-hearted, reconcile families and nations, and ultimately restore all of creation for His glory!  For this reason, we know passionate followers of Jesus will desire to continue growing in their knowledge of God. 

Passionately Growing in Gifting & Service
Jesus is a servant and He’s really good at it.  He came to serve through sacrifice, doing what only He could do – living a perfect life, dying as the perfect payment for our sin, and rising again from the dead, forever victorious over sin and death.  He knew His unique purpose that no one else could ever fulfill, yet He also served people in practical ways like washing their feet and feeding them, because He wanted to demonstrate God’s heart of love.  Now, as we spend time with Jesus we discover more and more the unique purpose for which He has created us.  We also find that we reflect more and more of His heart to serve others.  Not only do we find fulfillment when we develop what He has planted into us, but others are encouraged as well when we serve them.

I Want To Be A Part Of This
The people of Spokane are uniquely created by God.  We want them to know it, and to know God’s heart for them.  I believe this is best revealed through a Christian community that is passionately alive in Christ, rooted in the truth and power of His Word, and that serves the city in love.  I want to be a part of a church community like this.  I know there are people in Spokane waiting for something like this, even though they may not know it yet…  Next time, we’ll develop the idea of being a community on mission together in this wonderful city.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Why Plant Another Church in Christian America? Part 2

As I’m writing this, I’m thankful to have made it over the mountain passes of Western Montana and Northern Idaho tonight!  We've just come over from Missoula for the weekend.  After waiting for work crews to unblock the pass (due to wrecked semi trucks, not due to too much snow) we finally made it.  While the weather isn't exactly great today, my anticipation is!

This trip will not only have us staying with good friends in Post Falls but also meeting with local pastors in Spokane, connecting with others interested in being a part of this new church plant, and even connecting with Dave Hensen and Tim Heath, two Newfrontiers church planters working in Hope Church in St Petersburg, Russia.  Spokane has a significant Russian population as well so their insight could be really helpful.

No matter the ethnic origins of people in Spokane this is the first of four things we want them to encounter in the people of Spokane Grace Church.

·        We desire to be a come-as-you-are, welcoming community offering a fresh challenge to live life to its fullest purpose found in Jesus Christ. 

Come As You Are
This means people who come to check out the church community don’t have to put on a “Sunday Best” façade to hang out with us.  This is bigger than being free to wear jeans or flip-flops to church, although that’s fine.  It means people who have addictions don’t have to pretend like they don’t, and people who have questions can ask them.  People who don’t have life figured out at all can come.  People who think they have it all figured out can come.

A Welcoming Community
People should feel welcome when they get together with the people of God!  There should be a sense of “coming home.”  While there are many examples in the Bible of what the church is like, one of them is that of family.  We want people to find that with us.

A Fresh Challenge
The call to serve Jesus is not new, but the challenge to each new generation and every people group to embrace the call to live in Christ must be delivered in the context of that people’s cultural understanding.  We are called to speak the language of 21st Century Northwestern AmericaSpokane style.

Purpose Found in Jesus Christ
Jesus and His mission will be our focus, not only in theory but in actual life experience as well.  There is no greater mission in the world than Jesus’ call to carry the good news of salvation by grace through faith in Him!  Every believer is called to join in this purpose, not just by going to church meetings but by bringing the power of the gospel into every area of life – work, school, home, the gym, the coffee shop and the street.

Everyone should have the opportunity to join with a church community that embraces this.  Next time we’ll talk about developing passionate worship within the context of this community!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why Plant Another Church In Christian America? Part 1

I recently heard the argument made that the US is essentially a Christian nation and that we should focus our church planting efforts primarily into other nations.  So, why exactly are we planting a new church into Spokane, Washington then?  There are easily more than 150 churches already between Spokane and Spokane Valley, not to mention the surrounding area.  Isn’t that enough?  (Should I even mention the fact that if every existing church in Spokane had one thousand members – which they don’t – more than half the population of the metro area would still be unchurched?!)  Besides the obvious fact that we have a strong sense of God calling us to plant into this city in particular, there are practical reasons for planting churches right here in the States.  Take a look.

It’s interesting that missiologists are referring to the U.S. as one of the largest mission fields in the world.  Also interesting is the increase of Christian “missionaries” being sent from other nations to evangelize the unreached people groups of the good ole’ U.S.A.  Are they “getting” something that the church in the States should understand?  I think so.  And what’s even more interesting to me is that the Northwest U.S. is considered one of the most unreached regions in this mission field.  The steeples we see across the skyline of Spokane, therefore, do not represent much more than cool looking landmarks to the majority of the people in this compelling city.

While 80% of churches in the U.S. are not growing, according to researchers like Ed Stetzer, there are also statistics showing what is working:  starting new churches; churches that are speaking culturally to the society we live in now; churches that are engaging that culture; churches that are serving their communities rather than simply inviting the community to come to their events.  (I’m not saying events are bad; we plan to host some!)  With that in mind, this is what we hope to be in Spokane:

  • We desire to be a come-as-you-are, welcoming community offering a fresh challenge to live life to its fullest purpose found in Jesus Christ
  • We purpose to develop passionate worshipers of Jesus who continually grow in grace, truth, gifting and service to God and to people.
  • We aim to be a missional community where every member is involved in making disciples of Jesus.
  • We envision young and old of various socio-economic backgrounds committing together to plant churches and extend the kingdom of God together in the neighborhoods of Spokane and in other cities and nations. 

Over the next four posts we’ll examine how these ideas play out in a city like Spokane.  Church communities like this are springing up around the United States and the world, and God may be calling you to join the magnificent, risk-embracing teams of people planting them!  Do you feel the tug?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Grace Church Spokane

It’s only ten and half months now until we make the move to Spokane and the countdown feels like it’s gaining speed. The training I’ve been doing (Church Planting Training, a great opportunity offered through Newfrontiers USA) is progressing nicely and I feel like God is honing me significantly through this. I’m currently reading Aubrey Malphurs’ book Planting Growing Churches For The 21st Century and the Redeemer Church Planting Manual by Tim Keller and Allen Thompson. They’re challenging me to communicate a very clear vision for what God is calling us to do in Spokane. While I’ve had a pretty clear vision internally it’s been extremely helpful to have to write it down! I’ll give a brief summary in a minute, but here’s what else is up these days.
The kids and Becca are back in school and the fall schedule is in full swing: Irish dance for the girls, Boy Scouts for Gabe, church activities for all of them and our Community Group kicking off tonight. (The Community Group is our church’s version of smaller home groups since not everyone can really grow by just showing up at a meeting once a week on Sunday morning – in fact, no one really grows much that way!) Our Monday night group will focus in on relational evangelistic outreach into Missoula while also gearing up toward the church plant into Spokane. We’ll be asking anyone interested in joining the Spokane plant team to join us on Monday nights for prayer, training and outreach into Missoula.
We spent most of the summer getting our house ready to sell and it is finally on the market as of September. We had our first “open house” yesterday afternoon to show it. The place looks great and should sell itself if we can get people through the door. (If anyone knows someone looking for homes in Missoula send them our way – we’re selling this house ourselves. Don’t worry, we sold our last house ourselves too and it worked out great.) Please pray that we can connect with the right buyer for our home!
Okay, here’s a little sneak peak into the future of Grace Church Spokane. (Yeah, that’s still a potential name, but it’s gaining momentum. Let me know what you think of it!)
Why We Are Here:
Grace Church Spokane exists to glorify God as we enjoy and serve Him, each other, our city and the nations of the world.
I know you expected to read more, but there will be much more on the way soon. For now, notice two key words: “enjoy” and “serve.” These will be very important to the success and future of Spokane Grace Church. We will enjoy God, enjoy life together, enjoy the city of Spokane and enjoy connecting internationally. We will also be intentionally involved in service in every one of these areas. Sound like a challenge? Come with us. It will be hard work but it will also be greatly rewarding.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This Is My Passion

Maybe it's the fact that I'm teaching a songwriting class at the moment, or maybe it's the fact that I've said yes to God's prodding to step out of my comfort zone yet again. Maybe it's because both of these things have me praying a lot, but whatever it is, I feel like I'm getting more song ideas than I have in a really long time. While I tend to get lots of little song "sprouts," in recent years I've have a hard time bringing a lot of them through to completion so that they are usable for our local church congregation. My "seed file," as my songwriting idea file is affectionately known, is full of partial songs, choruses, titles, melodies and harmonic ideas. Lately though, the ideas are turning into completed songs and it feels really great.

I pulled out a song idea from 2009 last week and have been playing with all sorts of lyrical ideas to flesh it out. It feels really close but with a few potential weak spots: It has two working titles at the moment: "Passion" and "Risen One." It also has a different chorus for each verse. This might mean it needs to be honed in a bit. There are some others, but we'll leave it at that for now. The lyrics as of Thursday night, May 10 read as follows:

Passion (Risen One)
This is my passion, to live this life for You
With one desire: to honor You
Jesus, my Portion, I live for Your pleasure
To serve You forever, to worship You

To sing of the wonderful work of Jesus
Saving the sinners to call us sons
Of blood that was poured out to make us holy
Perfectly dressed in the righteousness of the Risen One

This is our passion, to carry Your kingdom
In this generation, declaring Your truth
So fill us again, Lord, with power from heaven
Provoking the nations to worship You

The sons and the daughters of many nations
Praising the Father, we join as one
Freely adopted through great salvation
Now we are dressed in the righteousness of the Risen One
©2011 JonnyDavids Music

On Saturday night I have the opportunity to have this song evaluated by a veteran Christian musician and songwriter, Bob Kilpatrick. In the 1980's Bob penned the song "Be Glorified" which became one of the most widely sung worship songs in the world and it's still sung in countless churches today. One of his songs was sung at Mother Teresa's funeral, resulting in a public compliment from Hillary Clinton. Bob is going to be leading a clinic for worship musicians, leaders and songwriters Saturday at 7 pm. He'll be evaluating songs from two or three local songwriters as a part of the evening. What fun! We'll see what kind of changes the lyrics undergo as a result of Saturday and I'll be sure to post them here.

PS - If you'd like to hear Bob speak and lead worship he'll be doing both on Sunday night, May 15 at 7 pm at Clark Fork City Church. His band will be made up of local musicians! (Surprise!!)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hey everyone. I just realized that we've written several new songs that we forgot to post to our page. I'm posting chord charts tonight for the following songs:

Feel free to use these songs! (If your church is in its reporting period for your CCLI License, it's helpful if you report any copies you make! And I can make tens and tens of dollars!!) Ha!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Rest Of The Story

While any story like this begins in the heart of God, it became real to me in 2003. My wife and I had vacationed in Spokane since our honeymoon in the mid-90’s and had felt a growing love for its people and culture ever since. After an enjoying afternoon in Riverfront Park we were headed home to Missoula, Montana when I asked the question: “What if we started a church here?” We began to talk and dream and eventually asked the leader of our church in Missoula, Steve Valentine, what he thought about it. He asked if we would be willing to stay in Missoula so I could help train church planting teams. After more prayer I agreed and thought that maybe I would get to train a team to be sent to Spokane in the future.

I dived headlong into training leaders and specifically worship leaders at our church – Clark Fork City Church – where I have served on staff since 1998 leading worship and then serving on the leadership team as a pastor/elder since 2004. As we were preparing to launch our leadership training school Steve was diagnosed with leukemia and battled for sixteen months before God received him into heaven in November of 2006. Though we experienced much turmoil God was more than faithful to our church, and we came through the fire full of great faith, more convinced than ever of the sovereign purposes of God even in the midst of great struggle.

Fast forward to 2009 at the Newfrontiers USA national leaders conference in St. Louis, Missouri: A bold pastor from South Africa named PJ Smyth had been preaching about the exciting vision of planting churches into the one hundred most influential cities in the United States. He led us in prayer as we focused on specific cities like Chicago and New York. As we began to pray, Spokane came to my mind and I began to weep over the city. The enormous knot in my throat made it difficult to pray at all and I actually felt a little twinge of guilt because I wasn’t praying for the cities we had been asked to pray for! It was only after the prayer meeting was over that I discovered that Spokane was actually on that list of one hundred cities! God had caused an old dream to resurface with a brand new vision.

Later in 2009 I had the opportunity to talk with Terry Virgo about the possibility of planting a church into Spokane. He remembered back to his first trip to the US when he flew into the city of Spokane. He had felt then that God said we would have a church there one day and was very encouraging to me about a potential plant into the city.

We continued to pray and the next year at another Newfrontiers USA event, Celebration Northwest, we were again gathered to pray. John Lanferman, the leader of the apostolic team overseeing our churches in the US, dared us to ask God for big things and to call them right out loud in the meeting. The atmosphere of faith was high! I wanted to declare my desire for a reproducing church in Spokane but felt I should not go “public” with that until we did that intentionally as a team. I talked to Josh Yakos, the lead pastor of Clark Fork City Church, after the meeting and he said, “I wanted to ask for a church in Spokane too but thought I should talk to you first.” More confirmation.

After the meeting at Celebration NW I told Ted Hoit, a Newfrontiers leader in Idaho, that we needed to start talking about “when” rather than “if” we would plant into Spokane. He grinned and told me that he and his wife had already been praying about Spokane and us and that they were excited to see us plant into that city. I talked with John Lanferman immediately and in late August we started the preliminary work to discuss making a plant into Spokane real.

Eight months and several leadership evaluations later we’ve finally gone public and the response has already been overwhelming. Twitter and the blogosphere have seen to that. While I’m used to taking big faith steps I’m not used to taking them quite so publicly! But hey, let’s go for it!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Send Us

So I finally finished the song this week that I blogged about in January. The title stayed the same: "Send Us." The bridge is completely new and I'm glad we waited until we got it right! I had the great privilege of debuting it with Becca and my good friends Dennis & Tammy Reschke and Caleb Burk at the Missoula 3:16 Rescue Mission's banquet/fundraiser Friday night. It's appropriate that the song was finished this week and here's why. Drum roll please...

We announced today that Clark Fork City Church is partnering with other Newfrontiers churches in the U.S. to plant a new church into Spokane, Washington in summer 2012 and... that I will be leading the team to do this! It would be an understatement to say that I'm excited, but I'm not walking with my head in the clouds either. This is going to be the biggest challenge I've undertaken to date. It's one thing to be on a team planting a church with someone else leading it. It's another thing entirely to lead that team.

This is where some good theology is really helpful! God is in control, which means my family and I and the whole team are in the best hands imaginable. While we will make our plans, God is the one who is actually directing our steps. This same God who began a good work in us (even in the dream stage) is the one who is committed to being faithful to complete it. If He is for us... who can be against us? This is the foundation we build on, not how awesome of a leader I can be, and that really takes the pressure off!

I'm going to post again about the amazing story leading up to this crazy announcement today, but first I'll leave off this post with the words to the new song:

Father God, we Your sons and daughters sing
Let Your kingdom come here
Father God, we Your children long to see
Your will be done here

You are sovereign, You have chosen
To work Your will through us
You are able, more than able
To glorify Your Son

Let Your kingdom come in us
Let Your will be done through us
In mercy and in love, send us
To the rich and to the poor
To the leper and the lame
In the power of Jesus' name, send us

Let Your goodness flow to the high and low
To the broken heart, to the captive soul
Let Your Father's song from Your Father heart
Be our anthem as we go

Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Song In The Works

So I started writing this song a little over a year ago... and then I wrote another song called Kingdom of God in about 20 minutes, but inadvertently used a couple of the ideas from the other song to do it. Song #1 got shelved and Kingdom of God has become one of our most sung songs over the last year. But I still really like Song #1!

In seemingly unrelated news, we just started a six month worship leader training program at the church so I get to teach classes on Monday nights and Thursday mornings for that. There are about nine worship leaders and leaders-in-training taking these classes, which is really encouraging for the future!

There is something about training worship leaders that sparks my creative juices. It's probably the fact that I once again am teaching worship fundamentals, how to flow in the prophetic, and preparing to teach on how to write songs from the heart that we can use to worship Jesus together! Thinking about teaching others to write and lead stirs me up to actually model the things I teach and to see what God will stir in my own heart in this season. My heart is stirring ... and the song ideas are starting to flow.

Back to the song I mentioned a minute ago: It's based on the opening lines of the Lord's Prayer, "Our Father in heaven ... let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done." Several years ago I heard Brian Doerksen, a great Canadian worship leader, call the Lord's Prayer "The Sons and Daughters Prayer" because we get to call God our Father. I've latched onto it myself (which you can hear about in "Prayer That Works - Our Father In Heaven" at

For now, I'm tying in three concepts in this song's development:
1. God is our Father, so we get to talk to Him as His sons and daughters.
2. He is a sovereign God who has chosen to work through us.
3. He has chosen to send us to minister to the world in Jesus' name.

The working title of the song is "Send Us" but it might change as it moves along! We'll see... I thought I'd post this so you can all see how I process through a song! Notice all the scribbles and ideas in the picture. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A little update from the other half...

Happy Tuesday everyone!
Jon and I had the opportunity to sit down last evening with Terry Koepke and Jeremy and Connie Sinnott at the Break.  We had coffee (and pie, yum!) and some really encouraging conversation.  I think that's one of my favorite things about Jeremy and encouraging they are.  The Father's heart just shines through them. 
Jon has also been working hard on getting some of the newest songs recorded.  If all goes well, he may be finishing up vocal tracks on "What Amazing Love" and "We Are Forgiven" this week.  That's exciting news for all of you who have been asking for these songs for a long time!  He's also been working on getting some demos down for "Just to Worship You" and "Kingdom of God," which I know many of you have asked for as well.  So be encouraged, there are actually plans in the works to get these songs out to you!
Have a great week!!
Mrs. Meek